3rd International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing
4, 5 & 6 April 2016 Chania, Crete, Greece
SDM-2016 organised by KES International and Cardiff University.
The conference took place in Chania, on the beautiful island of Crete, Greece. Chania is one of the most beautiful cities in Greece and thought by many to be the most picturesque. Chania is a bustling city with both old and modern sections famed for the Venetian Harbour, the old port, the narrow shopping streets and waterfront restaurants. The town, built along a stunning harbour with the bluest seas, is like a museum of cultures that have at one point or another occupied the city, leaving magnificent traces of their power and glory.
SDM-2016 consisted of keynote talks, oral presentations, invited sessions and workshops. It covered the theory and applications of sustainable design and manufacturing, and related areas, whilst providing an excellent platform for the presentation and discussion of new data and concepts, leading to knowledge exchange and the generation of new ideas.
The SDM Prize Committee awarded the Best Paper award to Dr Rachel Freeman from the University of Bristol for the paper:
'Design of an Integrated Assessment of Re-distributed Manufacturing for the Sustainable, Resilient City'
Rachel Freeman, Chris McMahon and Patrick Godfrey.
The Best Student Paper Award was given for the paper judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference, where the main author is a research student. The judges made their assessment based on the quality of the research presented. The Prize was shared as two papers were judged as excellent.
The Winners were:
'A Social Sustainability Assessment Model for Manufacturing Systems Based on Ergonomics and Fuzzy Inference System'
Yang Cao, Shilong Wang, Lili Yi and Jie Zhou
'An investigation into the quasi-static response of Ti6Al4V lattice structures manufactured using selective laser melting'
Qixiang Feng, Qian Tang, Shwe Soe, Ying Liu and Rossi Setchi
The IET prize went to Dr Andrew Clifton, Sustainabilty Manager for Engineering & Design, Rolls Royce plc,
who gave a keynote speech
'Powering a Better World: Integrating sustainability into design'.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as book chapters in a volume of the KES Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies series, submitted for indexing in Scopus and Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) and the Web of Science.